How to earn $DealWithIt on Polygon
$DealWithIt is a provably scarce collectible token on the Polygon (MATIC) L2 blockchain. A total supply of 100,000 tokens will be linearly distributed until July 3, 2022. So how does one earn $DealWithIt?

- We begin our journey with a local fiat currency. This is exchanged at a centralized exchange (e.g. Coinbase) for Ether, the native Web3 cryptocurrency.
- Using MetaMask, or the web3 provider of your choice, Ether is transferred across the Polygon bridge at
- Using a new Polygon RPC in MetaMask or other Web3 provider, we switch from the Ethereum-Mainnet to Matic-Mainnet
- Ether can be swapped for MATIC & LitCoin using QuickSwap, SushiSwap, or the DEX of your choice.
- Wrapped MATIC + LitCoin are staked at a 1:1 ratio in exchange for a Liquidity Provider token at QuickSwap as WMATIC-LITCOIN using the Uni-V2 contract.
- The WMATIC-LITCOIN Uni-V2 LP tokens are staked at the DealWithIt yield farm, as an exclusive reward token for LitCoin holders.
- The reward pool is distributed such that larger LP stakes with longer deposit histories earn a greater portion of the $DealWithIt bounty.